Elevating Customer Service with Custom AI Chatbot

Nov 25, 2023

Time saved

540 hours/month

Cost saved




The Solution

NeoTask crafted a tailored AI chatbot that was integrated into the client's existing digital infrastructure. This chatbot was not just a technological tool that leverages the power of ChatGPT 3.5, but a brand ambassador, designed to reflect the retailer's voice and values. It handles common questions and provides quick responses.

The added value of this chatbot:

  • Instantaneous Response: The chatbot cut the average customer wait time from 10 minutes to 2 seconds.

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Leveraging ChatGPT3.5, the chatbot can accurately interpret customer requests and provide clear, helpful information.

  • Uninterrupted Availability: With 24/7 operations, the chatbot provides a consistent support presence, catering to global customers across time zones.

This redefined the retail client's customer service, turning every online visit into an opportunity for engagement. Customers now enjoy a seamless support experience that’s not only responsive but also personalized.